Friday, July 22, 2011

07.22.11 - Serenity NOW!

Many of you may know exactly what I'm referencing when I say "Serenity NOW!" but for those of you that don't, I have one word: Seinfeld. Just watch the video:

The days that I feel my blood boiling when I'm at work and it's 5pm and we've had nothing to do all day and then someone comes down with a heap of work that will keep us here until 11pm (and this is at least a 3 day per week occurrence)...I have to watch this video. Because, it's so true, that all you can do is laugh or cry!

I know I'm not the only one with a job that's frustrating. What can be done to make us feel better, especially when there's no way you can do yoga (or workout or whatever you do to release) regularly if all your time is spent at work and then going home to sleep so you can do it all over again? Well, Elephant Journal have a few non-spiritual suggestions. "Laugh" is the first one, and for a really, really good reason. They also include a quote from Mark Twain that I'd not heard before I read that blog: "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand." How profoundly true! New favorite quote!

I've grown up with a tendency to lean toward negative, pessimistic thinking, but my whole life I've always found a way to take the darkness and add humor to it. Sometimes people don't get my "dark" humor or sarcasm and believe that I really am truly a negative pit of despair (which I was, at one point in my life). Thankfully, my friends and loved ones understand me and I keep those people close. They laugh at my jokes instead of telling me they think I need therapy. They were the ones that stuck with me when I was an angry, loud, incorrigible teenager, an angsty 20-something and now a happier-late-20-something. They're the ones that make me laugh the most, and for that I'm so grateful.

Just a friendly reminder, even when you're feeling like you don't think you could even muster a smile, you can make yourself laugh. Just put on a funny movie, read comics, read your friend's awesomely hilarious blogs, go outside, go to a dog park and play with pups (even if you don't own a dog, just go, being around animals is so therapeutic when you're feeling bad), listen to music that lights you up, go for a drive and sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. Yes, sometimes when you're in a funk you need to let yourself listen to sad music, cry, kick, scream, maybe break some shit, but when you're all done with that, go get yourself some laughs!

Enjoy your weekend, kids! Be sure to come back for "Look What I Made Monday!" Namasté! 

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