Friday, August 19, 2011

08.19.11 Red Treasury!'s the last of 7 in my ROY G. BIV Treasury series :( It's okay I'll still make more Treasuries, but this was fun! Now I'll have to get more conceptual with my Treasury themes hehe.

Annie Rodrigue/Moonlight Whispers

Nicole Kristiana Studio

I love this Red Riding Hood interpretation by Moonlight Whispers, it's so cute yet creepy hehe. Lil' Red here reminds me of an older, girl-version of Squee for some reason (maybe it's just the dark circles around the big eyes, dunno) hehe.

Nicole Kristiana Studio  have some really beautiful animal illustrations. Everything is so whimsy and colorful, this lil froggy was perfect for my Red Treasury.

And this lovely cardinal illustration seems like it's not the typical (anything but typical, I really LOVE that piece!), more illustrative/conceptual work of The Gorgonist. It's really a gorgeous little watercolor.

I mentioned last week that I had ordered from CurlyCuffs and Bellaroma Boutique (whose Strawberry scrub I included in this treasury because I love it so much!...and it's red!) and I wanted to review them with pictures. I ordered a new, much better quality, camera this week, and I figured it would be best to take better pictures and then write my reviews. So, I didn't forget, next week, that's what's coming!

Sorry blog's so short this week, I've been a little distracted. My Yoga Teacher Training is getting closer and closer and I'm realizing more and more I will have to focus on one thing at a time. This week I heard a quote that kind of woke me up: "The man that chases two rabbits catches none" or something to that effect. I've chased 2 or 3 or 4 rabbits for many years, I'm passionate about a lot of things and hate to think I have to compromise and pick one. I have this ridiculous will to do everything at once as though I'm never going to die and have 3 lifetimes to "master" all of these things. But, I know I will never be the best I can be at anything if I don't give one thing all of my focus and attention. It's a known business fact that if you want to be successful, you have to have a narrow focus. You're allowed to do more than one thing, but you have to "master" one thing at at time.

Action leads to clarity, and in the last month or so of blogging and creating things for my Etsy store and getting more involved in the yoga community (online and locally), I keep getting pulled more toward yoga and focusing on teacher training. Every time I intend to find a new Etsy artist or blog, I get distracted by something on Elephant Journal and get sucked back into a yoga vortex (in a good way!)

I realized I will be working full-time, plus every weekend from 9-5 I will be in training. If I attempt to give equal focus/effort on my Etsy store, then I won't be giving full attention on either my store or teacher training. I want to be the best teacher I can be, and the only way to do that is to completely immerse myself in teacher training. I would be stressed out pressuring myself to create new pieces every week, on top of doing teacher training homework and practice, I wouldn't be able to do my best work with either endeavor.

So, basically I will still be involved with Etsy in so far as buying awesome art, jewelry, and clothing, posting in forums, doing reviews every now and again, and showing support to my fellow Etsians whenever possible. But, once September 17th arrives, "Look What I Made Monday" will only return on a sporadic basis when I've found the time/had a stroke of inspiration to create something I want to share with everyone. I will still have my items on my store but I will not be making a concerted effort to add new items in the near future. I know I can always come back to this, so I'll try not to feel anxious about putting it aside for a while :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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