Thursday, July 14, 2011


Aloha artists, yogis, friends, movers n' shakers!

I've recently been introduced to the concept of Etsy Treasuries. If you don't know what they are, they are basically items from other Etsy sellers/artists that you can hand-pick and then post the list publicly for all to see. It's a really cool way to promote other sellers and it also allows the sellers whose items you've picked to see that you've added their item to your Treasury. Oftentimes they comment on the Treasury or send a message thanking you, sometimes they pay it forward and feature one of your items in one of their Treasuries. Pretty sweet deal!

Anyone that knows me knows that I love rainbows, I like to arrange things in rainbow order, I like to stare at pools of oil on water...I probably love and appreciate the beauty of rainbows almost as much as this guy. I love them so much that last year, I was staring at a rainbow and thought that my cause of death probably would be some unfortunate accident caused by my being distracted by a rainbow, so right away I registered the domain name I never used it as my portfolio site or anything because I realized that the word "death" in my business name may not be the greatest idea. Yeah, so, I'm stuck with that until 2014...anyway!

I decided I'm going to create 7 Treasuries dedicated to my obsession with refracted and reflected light. I've already shared with you guys earlier this week my Violet Treasury, my favorite one is Wherever the March Winds Blow by Stephanie Fizer. Her store is really cute, her work is bright and sweet and I want to buy everything!

So, today you can check out Indigo! My favorite this week is Walrus as Totem by ravensdreaming. That walrus is just so adorable, plus I'm mesmerized by spirals as much as I am by rainbows so this piece just rocks!

Each week I'll post a new Treasury on my blog, so stay tuned, for the next five weeks it will be all about ROY G. BIV! 

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